Thursday, April 16, 2009


CH# 14
1-Physical Recovery 2-Logical Recovery
Full Offline Database Recovery
Full Offline Database Recovery
Partial Offline Database Recovery
Partial Online Database Recovery
Complete Database Recovery
In-Complete Database Recovery
  1. Time Based
  2. Cancel Based
  3. SCN Based
Time Based Incomplete Recovery
Scenario: Suppose a user delete records and commit or drop the table.
The DBA don’t know the situation till 4:00. When a user try to access that table then he
complained to DBA that table is not exist.
Then DBA will back the database before the Drop command is executed.
Note: We must have a backup of database .
1- Startup
2- Alter system switch logfile
3- Alter system switch logfile
4- Create a table now (insert record and commit it)
5- Alter system switch logfile
6- Alter system switch logfile
7- Alter system switch logfile
8- Create another table
9- Alter system switch logfile
10- Create another table and switch the logfile
11-Drop a table now and note the time when the table is dropped .
12- Create another table
13-Alter system switch logfile(2 times)
14- Shutdown the database
15- Restore all datafiles (only) from the backup.
16- Startup mount
17- Set autorecovery on
18- Recover database until time ‘2005-10-21:16:12:00’
19-Alter database open resetlogs;
20-Now take a new backup of database
Created by: SHAHID UL GHANI (OCP 9i, 10g, 11g)

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