Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cancel Based Recovery

Cancel Based Recovery
One of the online redo log is missed. Then missing redo log is not archived.
You can recover the database as follows:-
1- Shutdown the database
2- Restore all datafiles rom the most recent backup.
3- You already have a valid backup so mount the database
4- Recover the database until cancel
5- Open the database by using the resetlogs option
Using a Backup Control File During Recovery
1- Drop tablespace users including contents;
2- Alter system enable restricted session;
3- Select * from v$log;
4- Confirm the time of error by checking the alert log file in bdump folder.
5- Shutdown the database(restore all datafiles and controlfile from backup)
6- If any file is offline then first become this file online
Alter database datafile 4 online;
7- recover database until time ‘2008-03-11:11:45:00’;
8- alter database open resetlogs;
9- Make a whole backup now.

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