Steps to Install Oracle Goldengate on Redhat Linux
1. First of all we will need to Install Oracle 11g database on Redhat Linux both on Source side and
Receiver side.
2. Insure that sources side database archive log mode
SQL> select log_mode from v$database;
Put your sources side database archive log mode
SQL> shutdown immediate;
To enable the database in archive log mode following parameters must be set in init.ora file of instance
sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL> create spfile from pfile;
SQL> startup mount;
SQL> alter database archivelog;
Database altered
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered
3. Download Oracle goldengate 11g for linux from (size 89 Mb)
Destination Side
Now lets try to start replicat rep1
GGSCI>start manger
manager started
GGSCI>start replicat rep1sending start request to manager...
Replicat rep1 started
Sourec side
a) create a test table and insert 2 rows into it.
Destination Side
To overcome errors like
ERROR OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 110 (Connection timed out).
ERROR OGG-01224 TCP/IP error 10061 (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)
Note: I had to Disable firewalls on both machines to let extract intercat with replicat for the time being.
The best solution is to open ports through iptables.
1. First look your listner is running or not
2. use Ping to check connection between machines
3. use tnsping connection between databases. check you have correct entries in tnsnames.ora
4. Try to connect to other database through sqlplus.
select * from test; --to see those rows have arrived
SQL> select log_mode from v$database;
Put your sources side database archive log mode
SQL> shutdown immediate;
To enable the database in archive log mode following parameters must be set in init.ora file of instance
sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL> create spfile from pfile;
SQL> startup mount;
SQL> alter database archivelog;
Database altered
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered
3. Download Oracle goldengate 11g for linux from (size 89 Mb)
4. Unzip it and rename the folder to goldengate
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/u01/goldengate
6. Create sub directories for goldengate
$cd /u01/goldengate
$create subdirs
GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 3> exit
$mkdir discard
7. Now repeat the same steps on destination side.
8. Add supplimental logging on the source side.
sql> alter database add supplemental log data;
9. These scripts are necessary for user ggate to be able to support replication.
ii) @ddl_setup.sql
choose INITIALSETUP as mode of Install
iii) @role_setup.sql
iv) grant GGS_GGSUSER_ROLE to ggate;
10. Now we will create test schemas to test our replication.
Source Database : ORCL
sql> create user sender identified by sender default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
sql> grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to sender;
Destination Database : ORCL2
sql> create user receiver identified by receiver default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
sql> grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to receiver;
11. Lets start replication....
Source Side
On the command line of goldengate type info all
It will show which processes are configured manager/Extract/Replicat
GGSCI > info all
it will show manager as stopped
Edit Parameter file of Manager and put ( PORT 7809 ) in the file.
GGSCI >edit params mgr
PORT 7809
save and exit
Now lets start manager
GGSCI >start manager
GGSCI > info all
Now it will show Manager as running
Next step is to configure Extraction process
GGSCI> add extract ext1,tranlog,begin now
Define path for exttrail
GGSCI>add exttrail /u01/goldengate/dirdat/lt,extract ext1
Now edit ext1 parameter file and add following lines into it where is IP Adrress of your machine
GGSCI>edit params ext1

Destination Side
On the command line of goldengate type info all
It will show which processes are configured manager/Extract/Replicat
GGSCI > info all
it will show manager as stopped
Edit Parameter file of Manager and put ( PORT 7809 ) in the file.
GGSCI >edit params mgr
PORT 7809
save and exit
Now lets start manager
GGSCI >start manager
GGSCI > info all
Now it will show Manager as running
Next step is to configure Replicat process
Now add the following lines to rep1 parameter file
Source Side
Now lets try to start extract ext1
GGSCI>start extract ext1
if there are any errors you will find the log in /u01/goldengate/dirrpt/EXT1.rpt
rectify them and start the extract process again.
GGSCI>info all
This time we see them running.
$cd /u01/goldengate
$create subdirs
GGSCI (localhost.localdomain) 3> exit
$mkdir discard
7. Now repeat the same steps on destination side.
8. Add supplimental logging on the source side.
sql> alter database add supplemental log data;
sql> alter system set recyclebin=off scope=spfile;
create user schema to support replication
sql>create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
sql>grant connect,resource to ggate;
sql>grant execute on utl_file to ggate;
ii) @ddl_setup.sql
choose INITIALSETUP as mode of Install
iii) @role_setup.sql
iv) grant GGS_GGSUSER_ROLE to ggate;
10. Now we will create test schemas to test our replication.
Source Database : ORCL
sql> create user sender identified by sender default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
sql> grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to sender;
Destination Database : ORCL2
sql> create user receiver identified by receiver default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
sql> grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to receiver;
11. Lets start replication....
Source Side
On the command line of goldengate type info all
It will show which processes are configured manager/Extract/Replicat
GGSCI > info all
it will show manager as stopped
Edit Parameter file of Manager and put ( PORT 7809 ) in the file.
GGSCI >edit params mgr
PORT 7809
save and exit
Now lets start manager
GGSCI >start manager
GGSCI > info all
Now it will show Manager as running
Next step is to configure Extraction process
GGSCI> add extract ext1,tranlog,begin now
Define path for exttrail
GGSCI>add exttrail /u01/goldengate/dirdat/lt,extract ext1
Now edit ext1 parameter file and add following lines into it where is IP Adrress of your machine
GGSCI>edit params ext1
--extract group--
extract ext1
--connection to database--
userid ggate, password ggate
--hostname and port for trail--
rmthost, mgrport 7809
--path and name for trail--
rmttrail /u01/goldengate/dirdat/lt
--DDL support
ddl include mapped objname sender.*;
table sender.*;

Destination Side
create user schema to support replication on destination side also and repeat the following steps on destination side too.
sql>create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
sql>grant connect,resource to ggate;
sql>grant execute on utl_file to ggate;
SQL> grant
On the command line of goldengate type info all
It will show which processes are configured manager/Extract/Replicat
GGSCI > info all
it will show manager as stopped
Edit Parameter file of Manager and put ( PORT 7809 ) in the file.
GGSCI >edit params mgr
PORT 7809
save and exit
Now lets start manager
GGSCI >start manager
GGSCI > info all
Now it will show Manager as running
Next step is to configure Replicat process
Now add the following lines to rep1 parameter file
--Replicat group
replicat rep1
--source and
target definitions
--target database
login --
userid ggate,
password ggate
--file for
dicarded transaction --
/u01/goldengate/discard/rep1_discard.txt, append, megabytes 10
--ddl support
--Specify table
mapping ---
map sender.*,
target receiver.*;
Source Side
Now lets try to start extract ext1
GGSCI>start extract ext1
if there are any errors you will find the log in /u01/goldengate/dirrpt/EXT1.rpt
rectify them and start the extract process again.
GGSCI>info all
This time we see them running.
Destination Side
Now lets try to start replicat rep1
GGSCI>start manger
manager started
GGSCI>start replicat rep1sending start request to manager...
Replicat rep1 started
Sourec side
a) create a test table and insert 2 rows into it.
Destination Side
To overcome errors like
ERROR OGG-01223 TCP/IP error 110 (Connection timed out).
ERROR OGG-01224 TCP/IP error 10061 (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)
Note: I had to Disable firewalls on both machines to let extract intercat with replicat for the time being.
The best solution is to open ports through iptables.
1. First look your listner is running or not
2. use Ping to check connection between machines
3. use tnsping connection between databases. check you have correct entries in tnsnames.ora
4. Try to connect to other database through sqlplus.
select * from test; --to see those rows have arrived
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