Monday, November 4, 2013


Step:-1 Create the following tns entry in tnsnames.ora file in 1st server. (give the ip of 2nd server)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (sid = orcl)

step2:- On 1st server where you have created tns entry,now create the followig DBlink in Sys schema.

create public database link remoteloc connect to scott identified by tiger using 'try';

step3:- Create directory on 1st server

SQL> Create or replace directory mydir as 'd:\datapump';
SQL> Grant read,write on direcotry mydir to scott;

(Also create a physical folder on drive d:\ with the name of 'datapump'

step4:- Run the expdp command on 1st server
C:\Users\>expdp scott/tiger directory=mydir  network_link=rloc2 sche
mas=scott dumpfile=newscot1.dmp



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