Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Determine OS block size for Linux and Windows

A block is a uniformly sized unit of data storage for a filesystem. Block size can be an important consideration when setting up a system that is designed for maximum performance. 

Block size in Linux :  If we want to confirm the block size of any filesystem of Ubuntu or any other Linux OS, tune2fs command is here to help:

ubuntu# tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep Block
Block count:              4980736
Block size:                 4096
Blocks per group:       32768

From this example, we can see that the default block size for the filesystem on  /dev/sda1 partition is 4096 bytes, or 4k. That's the default block size for ext3 filesystem.

OS block size in Solaris : 

$perl -e '$a=(stat ".")[11]; print $a'

$df -g | grep 'block size' 

Block size in Window Machine  If OS is using ntfs system use the below command  :

C:\>fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo D:
NTFS Volume Serial Number :        0x7a141d52141d12ad
Version :                                          3.1
Number Sectors :                            0x00000000036b17d0
Total Clusters :                                0x00000000006d62fa
Free Clusters  :                               0x00000000001ed190
Total Reserved :                             0x0000000000000170
Bytes Per Sector  :                         512
Bytes Per Cluster :                     4096   <<===   (block size)
Bytes Per FileRecord Segment       : 1024
Clusters Per FileRecord Segment   : 0
Mft Valid Data Length :                    0x0000000005b64000
Mft Start Lcn  :                                 0x00000000000c0000
Mft2 Start Lcn :                                0x000000000036b17d
Mft Zone Start :                                0x000000000043c9c0
Mft Zone End   :                               0x000000000044b460

Cannot Load OCI.DLL : While Connecting

Sometimes the error "cannot load OCI.DLL" occur whenever we try to connect with the oracle database by using the third-party tools(i.e, toad,sqltools and others) or command prompt . This error may occur because of the following reason .

1.) The oci.dll error may occur because you have not set the correct ORACLE_HOME and path in environment variables . 
2.) It might be possible that the oci.dll file may be corrupt or may not exist on the correct path .
3.) May be possible that oci.dll may not be correct version. (e.g. 32bit s/w will load a 32bit DDL - we cannot for example use a 64bit DLL for a 32bit executable) . 

To solve this issue , consider the below points .

1.) Check the ORACLE_HOME and Path setting in the envirnoment variable.
2.) Check the correct location of the oci.dll path . The path of the oci.dll file is $ORACLE_HOME\bin\oci.dll
3.) Check the oci.dll correct version .

In my case , i am facing this issue because the $ORACLE_HOME is not correctly set in the environment variables . So setting the correct path in environment variables, we find not any error while connecting the  database .

Interpreting Explain Plan

An explain plan is a representation of the access path that is taken when a query is executed within Oracle.
Query processing can be divided into 7 phases:
[1] SyntacticChecks the syntax of the query
[2] SemanticChecks that all objects exist and are accessible
[3] View MergingRewrites query as join on base tables as opposed to using views
[4] Statement
Rewrites query transforming some complex constructs into simpler ones where appropriate (e.g. subquery merging, in/or transformation)
[5] OptimizationDetermines the optimal access path for the query to take. With the Rule Based Optimizer (RBO) it uses a set of heuristics to determine access path. With the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) we use statistics to analyze the relative costs of accessing objects.
[6] QEP GenerationQEP = Query Evaluation Plan
[7] QEP ExecutionQEP = Query Evaluation Plan
Steps [1]-[6] are handled by the parser. Step [7] is the execution of the statement.

The explain plan is produced by the parser. Once the access path has been decided upon it is stored in the library cache together with the statement itself. We store queries in the library cache based upon a hashed representation  of that query. When looking for a statement in the library cache, we first apply a hashing algorithm to the statement and then we look for this hash value in the library cache. This access path will be used until the query is reparsed.

Row SourceA set of rows used in a query may be a select from a base object or the result set returned by joining 2 earlier row sources
Predicatewhere clause of a query
Driving TableThis is the row source that we use to seed the query. If this returns a lot of rows then this can have a negative affect on all subsequent operations
Probed TableThis is the object we lookup data in after we have retrieved relevant key data from the driving table.
How does Oracle access data?
At the physical level Oracle reads blocks of data. The smallest amount of data read is a single Oracle block, the largest is constrained by operating system limits (and multiblock i/o). Logically Oracle finds the data to read by using the following methods:
  • Full Table Scan (FTS)
  • Index Lookup (unique & non-unique)
  • Rowid
Explain plan Hierarchy

Simple explain plan:
Query Plan

The rightmost uppermost operation of an explain plan is the first thing that the explain plan will execute. In this case TABLE ACCESS FULL LARGE is the first operation. This statement means we are doing a full table scan of table LARGE. When this operation completes then the resultant row source is passed up to the
next level of the query for processing. In this case it is the SELECT STATEMENT which is the top of the query.

[CHOOSE] is an indication of the optimizer_goal for the query. This DOES NOT necessarily indicate that plan has actually used this goal. The only way to confirm this is to check the
cost= part of the explain plan as well. For example the following query indicates that the CBO has been used because there is a cost in the cost field:

However the explain plan below indicates the use of the RBO because the cost field is blank:
The cost field is a comparative cost that is used internally to determine the best cost for particular plans. The costs of different statements are not really directly comparable.

[:Q65001] indicates that this particular part of the query is being executed in parallel. This number indicates that the operation will be processed by a parallel query slave as opposed to being executed serially.

[ANALYZED] indicates that the object in question has been analyzed and there are currently statistics available for the CBO to use. There is no indication of the 'level' of analysis done.

Access Methods in detail

Full Table Scan (FTS)
In a FTS operation, the whole table is read up to the high water mark (HWM). The HWM marks the last block in the table that has ever had data written to it. If you have deleted all the rows then you will still read up to the HWM. Truncate resets the HWM back to the start of the table. FTS uses multiblock i/o to read the blocks from disk. Multiblock i/o is controlled by the parameter .
This defaults to:
db_block_buffers / ( (PROCESSES+3) / 4 )
Maximum values are OS dependant

Buffers from FTS operations are placed on the Least Recently Used (LRU) end of the buffer cache so will be quickly aged out. FTS is not recommended for large tables unless you are reading >5-10% of it (or so) or you intend to run in parallel.
Example FTS explain plan:
SQL> explain plan for select * from dual;

Query Plan

Index lookup
Data is accessed by looking up key values in an index and returning rowids. A rowid uniquely identifies an individual row in a particular data block. This block is read via single block i/o.
In this example an index is used to find the relevant row(s) and then the table is accessed to lookup the ename column (which is not included in the index):
SQL> explain plan for
select empno,ename from emp where empno=10;

Query Plan


Notice the 'TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID' section. This indicates that the table data is not being accessed via a FTS operation but rather by a rowid lookup. In this case the rowid has been produced by looking up values in the index first. The index is being accessed by an 'INDEX UNIQUE SCAN' operation. This is explained below. The index name in this case is EMP_I1. If all the required data resides in the index then a table lookup may be unnecessary and all you will see is an index access with no table access.
In the following example all the columns (empno) are in the index. Notice that no table access takes place:
SQL> explain plan for
select empno from emp where empno=10;

Query Plan

Indexes are presorted so sorting may be unecessary if the sort order required is the same as the index.
SQL> explain plan for select empno,ename from emp
where empno > 7876 order by empno;

Query Plan

In this case the index is sorted so ther rows will be returned in the order of the index hence a sort is unecessary.
SQL> explain plan for
select /*+ Full(emp) */ empno,ename from emp
where empno> 7876 order by empno;

Query Plan
    TABLE ACCESS FULL EMP [ANALYZED]  Cost=1 Card=2 Bytes=66

Because we have forced a FTS the data is unsorted and so we must sort the data
after it has been retrieved.

There are 4 methods of index lookup:
  • index unique scan
  • index range scan
  • index full scan
  • index fast full scan
Index unique scan
Method for looking up a single key value via a unique index. Always returns a single value You must supply AT LEAST the leading column of the index to access data via the index, However this may return > 1 row as the uniqueness will not be guaranteed.
SQL> explain plan for
select empno,ename from emp where empno=10;

Query Plan

Index range scan
Method for accessing multiple column values You must supply AT LEAST the leading column of the index to access data via the index Can be used for range operations (e.g. > < <> >= <= between)
SQL> explain plan for select empno,ename from emp
where empno > 7876 order by empno;

Query Plan

A non-unique index may return multiple values for the predicate col1 = 5 and will use an index range scan
SQL> explain plan for select mgr from emp where mgr = 5

Query plan

Index Full Scan
In certain circumstances it is possible for the whole index to be scanned as opposed to a range scan (i.e. where no constraining predicates are provided for a table). Full index scans are  only available in the CBO as otherwise we are unable to determine whether a full scan would be a good idea or not. We choose an index Full Scan when we have statistics that indicate that it is going to be more efficient than a Full table scan and a sort.

For example we may do a Full index scan when we do an unbounded scan of an index and want the data to be ordered in the index order. The optimizer may decide that selecting all the information from the index and not sorting is more efficient than doing a FTS or a Fast Full Index Scan and then sorting.
An Index full scan will perform single block i/o's and so it may prove to be inefficient. Index BE_IX is a concatenated index on big_emp (empno,ename)
SQL> explain plan for select empno,ename
     from big_emp order by empno,ename;
Query Plan

Index Fast Full Scan
Scans all the block in the index Rows are not returned in sorted order Introduced in 7.3 and requires V733_PLANS_ENABLED=TRUE and CBO may be hinted using INDEX_FFS hint uses multiblock i/o can be executed in parallel can be used to access second column of concatenated indexes. This is because we are selecting all of the index.
Note that INDEX FAST FULL SCAN is the mechinism behind fast index create and recreate. Index BE_IX is a concatenated index on big_emp (empno,ename)
SQL> explain plan for select empno,ename from big_emp;

Query Plan

Selecting the 2nd column of concatenated index:
SQL> explain plan for select ename from big_emp;

Query Plan

This is the quickest access method available Oracle simply retrieves the block specified and extracts the rows it is interested in. Most frequently seen in explain plans as Table access by Rowid
SQL> explain plan for select * from dept where rowid = ':x';

Query Plan
Table is accessed by rowid following index lookup:

SQL> explain plan for
select empno,ename from emp where empno=10;

Query Plan

A Join is a predicate that attempts to combine 2 row sources We only ever join 2 row sources together Join steps are always performed serially even though underlying row sources may have been accessed in parallel. Join order - order in which joins are performed
The join order makes a significant difference to the way in which the query is executed. By accessing particular row sources first, certain predicates may be satisfied that are not satisfied by with other join orders. This may prevent certain access paths from being taken.

Suppose there is a concatenated index on A(a.col1,a.col2). Note that a.col1 is the leading column. Consider the following query:
select A.col4
from   A,B,C
where  B.col3 = 10
and    A.col1 = B.col1
and    A.col2 = C.col2
and    C.col3 = 5
We could represent the joins present in the query using the following schematic:
  B     <---> A <--->    C
col3=10                col3=5

There are really only 2 ways we can drive the query: via B.col3 or C.col3. We would have to do a Full scan of A to be able to drive off it. This is unlikely to be efficient with large tables;
If we drive off table B, using predicate B.col3=10 (as a filter or lookup key) then we will retrieve the value for B.col1 and join to A.col1. Because we have now filled the leading column of the concatenated index on table A we can use this index to give us values for A.col2 and join to A.

However if we drive of table c, then we only get a value for a.col2 and since this is a trailing column of a concatenated index and the leading column has not been supplied at this point, we cannot use the index on a to lookup the data.
So it is likely that the best join order will be B A C. The CBO will obviously use costs to establish whether the individual access paths are a good idea or not.
If the CBO does not choose this join order then we can hint it by changing the from
clause to read:

from B,A,C
and using the /*+ ordered */ hint. The resultant query would be:
select /*+ ordered */ A.col4
from   B,A,C
where  B.col3 = 10
and    A.col1 = B.col1
and    A.col2 = C.col2
and    C.col3 = 5

Join Types
  • Sort Merge Join (SMJ)
  • Nested Loops (NL)
  • Hash Join
Sort Merge Join
Rows are produced by Row Source 1 and are then sorted Rows from Row Source 2 are then produced and sorted by the same sort key as Row Source 1. Row Source 1 and 2 are NOT accessed concurrently Sorted rows from both sides are then merged together (joined)
                 /      \
            SORT        SORT
             |             |
        Row Source 1  Row Source 2
If the row sources are already (known to be) sorted then the sort operation is unecessary as long as both 'sides' are sorted using the same key. Presorted row sources include indexed columns and row sources that have already been sorted in earlier steps. Although the merge of the 2 row sources is handled serially, the row sources could be accessed in parallel.
SQL> explain plan for
select /*+ ordered */ e.deptno,d.deptno
from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno
order by e.deptno,d.deptno;

Query Plan

Sorting is an expensive operation, especially with large tables. Because of this, SMJ is often not a particularly efficient join method.

Nested Loops
First we return all the rows from row source 1 Then we probe row source 2 once for each row returned from row source 1
Row source 1
Row 1 --------------       -- Probe ->       Row source 2
Row 2 --------------       -- Probe ->       Row source 2
Row 3 --------------       -- Probe ->       Row source 2
Row source 1 is known as the outer table
Row source 2 is known as the inner table

Accessing row source 2 is known a probing the inner table For nested loops to be efficient it is important that the first row source returns as few rows as possible as this directly controls the number of probes of the second row source. Also it helps if the access method for row source 2 is efficient as this operation is being repeated once for every row returned by row source 1.
SQL> explain plan for
select a.dname,b.sql
from dept a,emp b
where a.deptno = b.deptno;
Query Plan


Hash Join
New join type introduced in 7.3 More efficient in theory than NL & SMJ Only accessible via the CBO Smallest row source is chosen and used to build a hash table and a bitmap The second row source is hashed and checked against the hash table looking for joins. The bitmap is used as a quick lookup to check if rows are in the hash table and are especially useful when the hash table is too large to fit in memory.
SQL> explain plan for select /*+ use_hash(emp) */ empno
from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

Query Plan

Hash joins are enabled by the parameter HASH_JOIN_ENABLED=TRUE in the init.ora or session. TRUE is the default in 7.3 

Cartesian Product
A Cartesian Product is done where they are no join conditions between 2 row sources and there is no alternative method of accessing the data Not really a join as such as there is no join! Typically this is caused by a coding mistake where a join has been left out. It can be useful in some circumstances - Star joins uses cartesian products.
Notice that there is no join between the 2 tables:
SQL> explain plan for
select emp.deptno,dept,deptno
from emp,dept

Query Plan
The CARTESIAN keyword indicate that we are doing a cartesian product.

Operations that show up in explain plans
  • sort
  • filter
  • view
There are a number of different operations that promote sorts
  • order by clauses
  • group by
  • sort merge join
Note that if the row source is already appropriately sorted then no sorting is required. This is now indicated in 7.3:
     INDEX FULL SCAN .....

In this case the group by operation simply groups the rows it does not do the sort operation as this has already been completed.
Sorts are expensive operations especially on large tables where the rows do not fit in memory and spill to disk. By default sort blocks are placed into the buffer cache. This may result in aging out of other blocks that may be reread by other processes. To avoid this you can use the parameter <Parameter:SORT_DIRECT_WRITES> which does not place sort blocks into the buffer cache.

Has a number of different meanings used to indicate partition elimination may also indicate an actual filter step where one row source is filtering another functions such as min may introduce filter steps into query plans
In this example there are 2 filter steps. The first is effectively like a NL except that it stops when it gets something that it doesn't like (i.e. a bounded NL). This is there because of the not in. The second is filtering out the min value:
SQL> explain plan for select * from emp
     where empno not in (select min(empno)
     from big_emp group by empno);

Query Plan
  FILTER     **** This is like a bounded nested loops
     FILTER   **** This filter is introduced by the min

This example is also interesting in that it has a NOSORT function. The group by does not need to sort because the index row source is already pre sorted.

When a view cannot be merged into the main query you will often see a projection view operation. This indicates that the 'view' will be selected from directly as opposed to being broken down into joins on the base tables. A number of constructs make a view non mergeable. Inline views are also non mergeable.
In the following example the select contains an inline view which cannot be merged:
SQL> explain plan for
select ename,tot
from emp,
    (select empno,sum(empno) tot from big_emp group by empno) tmp
where emp.empno = tmp.empno;

Query Plan

In this case the inline view tmp which contains an aggregate function cannot be merged into the main query. The explain plan shows this as a view step.

Partition Views
Allows a large table to be broken up into a number of smaller partitions which can be queried much more quickly than the table as a whole a union all view is built over the top to provide the original functionality Check constraints or where clauses provide partition elimination capabilities
SQL> explain plan for
select /*+ use_nl(p1,kbwyv1) ordered */  sum(prc_pd)
from parent1 p1,  kbwyv1
where p1.class = 22
and   kbwyv1.bitm_numb = p1.bitm_numb
and   kbwyv1.year = 1997
and   kbwyv1.week between 32 and 33 ;

Query Plan
    NESTED LOOPS   [:Q65001] Ct=1780 Cd=40 Bt=3120
      TABLE ACCESS FULL PARENT1 [:Q65000] [AN] Ct=20 Cd=40 Bt=1040
      VIEW  KBWYV1 [:Q65001]
        UNION-ALL PARTITION  [:Q65001]
          FILTER   [:Q64000]
            TABLE ACCESS FULL KBWYT1 [AN] Ct=11 Cd=2000 Bt=104000
          TABLE ACCESS FULL KBWYT2 [AN] Ct=11 Cd=2000 Bt=104000
          TABLE ACCESS FULL KBWYT3 [AN] Ct=11 Cd=2000 Bt=104000
          FILTER   [:Q61000]
            TABLE ACCESS FULL KBWYT4 [AN] Ct=11 Cd=2000 Bt=104000

KBWYV1 is a view on 4 tables KBWYT1-4. KBWYT1-4 contain rows for week 31-34 respectively and are maintained by check constraints. This query should only return rows from partions 2 & 3. The filter operation indicates this. Partitions 1 & 4 are eliminated at execution time. The view line indicates that the view is not merged. The union-all partion information indicates that we have recognised this as a partition view. Note that the tables can be accessed in parallel.

Remote Queries
Only shows remote in the OPERATION column OTHER column shows query executed on remote node OTHER_NODE shows where it is executed Different operational characteristics for RBO & CBO
RBO - Drags everything across the link and joins locally
CBO - Uses cost estimates to determine whether to execute remotely or locally
SQL>  explain plan for
select *
from dept@loop_link;

Query Plan

In this case the whole query has been sent to the remote site. The other column shows nothing.
SQL> explain plan for
select a.dname,avg(b.sal),max(b.sal)
from dept@loop_link a, emp b
where a.deptno=b.deptno
group by a.dname
order by max(b.sal),avg(b.sal) desc;

Query Plan
        REMOTE   [:Q137000] [PARALLEL_FROM_SERIAL]

Bind Variables
Bind variables are recommended in most cases because they promote sharing of sql code
At parse time the parser has NO IDEA what the bind variable contains. With RBO this makes no difference but with CBO, which relies on accurate statistics to produce plans, this can be a problem.

Defining bind variables in sqlplus:
variable x varchar2(18);
assigning values:
:x := 'hello';
SQL> explain plan for
select *
from dept
where rowid = ':x';

Query Plan

Parallel Query

Main indicators that a query is using PQO:
  • [:Q1000004] entries in the explain plan
  • Checkout the other column for details of what the slaves are executing
  • v$pq_slave will show any parallel activity
Columns to look in for information
  • other - contains the query passed to the slaves
  • other_tag - describes the contents of other
  • object_node - indicates order of pqo slaves
Parallel Query operates on a producer/consumer basis. When you specify parallel degree 4 oracle tries to allocate 4 producer slaves and 4 consumer slaves. The producers can feed any of the consumers. If there are only 2 slaves available then we use these. If there is only 1 slave available then we go serial If there are none available then we use serial. If parallel_min_percent is set then we error ora 12827 instead of using a lower number of slaves or going serial.

Consumer processes typically perform a sorting function. If there is no requirement for the data to be sorted then the consumer slaves are not produced and we end up with the number of slaves used matching the degree of parallelism as opposed to being 2x the degree.

Parallel Terms
PARALLEL_FROM_SERIALThis means that source of the data is serial but it is passed to a parallel consumer
PARALLEL_TO_PARALLELBoth the consumer and the producer are  parallel
PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENTThis operation has been combined with the parent operator. For example in a sort merge join the sort operations would be shown as PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT because the sort and the merge are handled as 1 operation.
PARALELL_TO_SERIALThe source of the data is parallel but it is passed to a serial consumer. This typically will happen at the top of the explain plan but could occur anywhere
Examples of parallel queries
DEPT is small compared to EMP
DEPT has an index (DEPT_INDX) on deptno column
Three examples are presented
Query #1:  Serial
Query #2:  Parallel
Query #3:  Parallel, with forced optimization to RULE and forced usage of DEPT_INDX

Sample Query #1 (Serial)
select A.dname, avg(B.sal), max(B.sal)
from  dept A, emp B
where A.deptno = B.deptno
group by A.dname
order by max(B.sal), avg(B.sal) desc;

Execution Plan #1 (Serial)
OBJECT_NAME                      OBJECT_NODE OTHER
-------------------------------  ----------- -------
       SORT JOIN
         TABLE ACCESS FULL emp
       SORT JOIN
         TABLE ACCESS FULL dept

Notice that the object_node and other columns are empty
Sample Query #2 (Query #1 with parallel hints)

select /*+ parallel(B,4) parallel(A,4) */
A.dname, avg(B.sal), max(B.sal)
from  dept A, emp B
where A.deptno = B.deptno
group by A.dname
order by max(B.sal), avg(B.sal) desc;

Execution Plan #2  (Parallel)
OBJECT_NAME                      OBJECT_NODE OTHER
-------------------------------  ----------- -------
 SORT ORDER BY                   :Q55004     **[7]**
   SORT GROUP BY                 :Q55003     **[6]**
     MERGE JOIN                  :Q55002     **[5]**
       SORT JOIN                 :Q55002     **[4]**
         TABLE ACCESS FULL emp   :Q55001     **[2]**
       SORT JOIN                 :Q55002     **[3]**
         TABLE ACCESS FULL dept  :Q55000     **[1]**
Execution Plan #2  -- OTHER column
**[1]**  (:Q55000) "PARALLEL_FROM_SERIAL"
**[2]**  (:Q55001) "PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL"
        SELECT /*+ ROWID(A1)*/
        A1."DEPTNO" C0, A1."SAL" C1
        FROM "EMP" A1
**[5]**  (:Q55002) "PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL"
        A2.C1 C0, A1.C1 C1
        FROM :Q55001 A1,:Q55000 A2
        WHERE A1.C0=A2.C0
**[6]**  (:Q55003) "PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL"
        SELECT MAX(A1.C1) C0, AVG(A1.C1) C1, A1.C0 C2
        FROM :Q55002 A1
        GROUP BY A1.C0
**[7]**  (:Q55004) "PARALLEL_FROM_SERIAL"
        SELECT A1.C0 C0, A1.C1 C1, A1.C2 C2
        FROM :Q55003 A1
        ORDER BY A1.CO, A1.C1 DESC

Sample Query #3 (Query #2 with fudged hints)
select /*+ index(A dept_indx) parallel(B,4) parallel(A,4) */
      A.dname, avg(B.sal), max(B.sal)
from  dept A, emp B
where A.deptno = B.deptno
group by A.dname
order by max(B.sal), avg(B.sal) desc;

Execution Plan #3  (Parallel)
OBJECT_NAME                         OBJECT_NODE OTHER
----------------------------------- ----------- -------
SELECT STATEMENT          Cost = ??
 SORT ORDER BY                      :Q58002     **[6]**
   SORT GROUP BY                    :Q58001     **[5]**
     NESTED LOOPS JOIN              :Q58000     **[4]**
       TABLE ACCESS FULL emp        :Q58000     **[3]**
       TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID dept   :Q58000     **[2]**
         INDEX RANGE SCAN dept_indx :Q58000     **[1]**
Execution Plan #3  -- OTHER column
**[4]**  (:Q58000) "PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL"
        SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(A2) INDEX(A2) */
        A2."DNAME" C0, A1.C0 C1
          (SELECT /*+ ROWID(A3) */
           A3."SAL" CO, A3."DEPTNO" C1
           FROM "EMP" A3
           WHERE ROWID BETWEEN :1 AND :2) A1,
          "DEPT" A2
        WHERE A2."DEPTNO" = A1.C1
**[5]**  (:Q58001) "PARALLEL_TO_PARALLEL"
        SELECT MAX(A1.C1) C0, AVG(A1.C1) C1, A1.C0 C2
        FROM :Q58000 A1
        GROUP BY A1.C0
**[6]**  (:Q58002) "PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL"
        SELECT A1.C0 C0, A1.C1 C1, A1.C2 C2
        FROM :Q58001 A1
        ORDER BY A1.C0, A1.C1 DESC

The following is a sample execution plan.

SQL> explain plan for
  2  select e.empno, e.ename, d.dname
  3  from emp e, dept d
  4  where e.deptno = d.deptno
  5  and e.deptno = 10;

SQL> SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display(null,null,'basic'));
Plan hash value: 568005898
| Id  | Operation                    | Name    |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                         |         |
|   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                                  |         |
|   3 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                     | PK_DEPT |
|   4 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL                       | EMP     |
Using the rules above, you could say;

Operation 0 is the root of the tree; it has one child, Operation 1
Operation 1 has two children, which is Operation 2 and 4
Operation 2 has one child, which is Operation 3

Below is the graphical representation of the execution plan. If you read the tree; In order to perform Operation 1, you need to perform Operation 2 and 4. Operation 2 comes first; In order to perform 2, you need to perform its Child Operation 3. In order to perform Operation 4, you need to perform Operation 2

         Operation 0
             |             |
         Operation 1
        (NESTED LOOPS)
                   /  \
                /         \
             /               \
           /                    \
        /                          \
      /                               \
 Operation 2                    Operation 4
 Operation 3
Operation 3 accesses DEPT table using INDEX UNIQUE SCAN and passes the ROWID to Operation 2
Operation 2 returns all the rows from DEPT table to Operation 1
Operation 1 performs Operation 4 for each row returned by Operation 2
Operation 4 performs a full table scan (TABLE ACCESS FULL) scan and applies the filter E.DEPTNO=10 and returns the rows to Operation 1
Operation 1 returns the final results to Operation 0

ORA-01034 & ORA-27101: Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

ORA-12701 may occur from various reason . According to the oracle doc's  ,
ORA-27101 :  shared memory realm does not exist
Cause  : Unable to locate shared memory realm .
Action  : Verify that the realm is accessible .

ORA-27101 and ORA-01034  combined may occurs in various scenarios .The main reason for this error is that the database is not up. When we try to connect with oracle database or sometimes during installation we may get this error . We may face this error in some other scenario's too . Here are few possible scenario's (  some scenario's are from window platform and some are from Linux  platform )

Case 1 :  When try to connect with normal user we get the error as

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Feb 6 11:22:08 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: scott
Enter password:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101:  shared memory realm does not exist
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0

To solve this issue , set the ORACLE_SID and start the database using the "sys" user as sysdba and start the database ,

C:\>set ORACLE_SID=noida
C:\>sqlplus sys/xxxx@noida as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Feb 6 11:25:13 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  535662592 bytes
Fixed Size                  1375792 bytes
Variable Size             331350480 bytes
Database Buffers          197132288 bytes
Redo Buffers                5804032 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

Case  2 :  On a system with multiple IP addresses, when we connect with sqlplus locally on the server  (i.e. "sqlplus user/password") everything is OK, but connecting through a TNS alias, either from the network or locally on the server, we get the the following errors :  

$ sqlplus user/password@db_alias
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory

We need to Manually startup the database or check whether the listener is started or not . So either connect as
$export ORACLE_SID=noida 
$ sqlplus sys/password as sysdba 
check the status of listener if not started then start the listener  as
lsnrctl> stop
$export ORACLE_SID=noida
$sqlplus sys/password@noida as sysdba
SQL> startup

Case 3 :  Make sure while connecting, that the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME is correctly set . There should not be trailing trash in ORACLE_HOME  path . So, set ORACLE_SID  before connecting as :
Linux  : 
$export ORACLE_SID=noida 
$sqlplus sys/xxxx@noida as sysdba
SQL> startup

Window  : 
C:\> set ORACLE_SID=noida
C:\> sqlplus sys/xxxx@noida as sysdba
C:\> startup 

Case 4 :   Sometimes in case of window ,  if event log is full , then we get this error . So delete the event logs and try to connect again .

Difference Between Unique Indexes and Unique Constraints

There is a very general confusion that whenever we create a unique key constraint or primary key then a corresponding index is created . Primary key and Unique key  creates the unique indexes , but this is not always true .  Lets have a look ...

SQL> create table T1 (id number ) ;
Table created.

SQL> alter table T1 add constraint  T_ID_IDX  unique(id) ;
Table altered.

SQL> select index_name,table_name,uniqueness from dba_indexes where table_name='T1';
----------------        -------------------         ---------------
T_ID_IDX                  T1                            UNIQUE

SQL> select constraint_name,constraint_type ,table_name from dba_constraints where table_name='T1' and owner='HR' ;
------------------------      ----       -----------------
T_ID_IDX                      U             T1

Here, we see that when we have created a table unique index get created . Now have another look ..

SQL> create  table  T2 (id number )  ;
Table created.

SQL>  create  unique  index  T2_id_idx  on  T2(id) ;
Index created.

SQL> select index_name,table_name,uniqueness from dba_indexes where table_name='T2'  ;
------------------     ------------------      ---------------
T2_ID_IDX                      T2               UNIQUE

SQL>  select constraint_name,constraint_type ,table_name from dba_constraints where table_name='T2' and owner='HR' ;
no rows selected

SQL> alter table T2  add constraint  T2_ID_IDX    unique(id) ;
Table altered.

Now, we expecting  two indexes i.e;  one from the unique index and other from unique constraints . let's look on the below query :

SQL> select constraint_name,constraint_type ,table_name from dba_constraints where table_name='T2' and owner='HR' ;
-------------------------     ----        ------------------
T2_ID_IDX                      U                  T2

SQL> drop index T2_ID_IDX;
drop index T2_ID_IDX
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key

Above query show only one indexes  . Hence from the above demo, we can only say that  " a unique constraint does not necessarily create an index or a unique constraint does not necessarily create a UNIQUE index "  .

If  we want a unique index in place, it is suggested we should explicitly create it by  using CREATE UNIQUE INDEX .  A primary key or unique constraint is not guaranteed to create a new index, nor is the index they create guaranteed to be a unique index.  Therefore, if  we desire a unique index to be created for query performance issues, we should explicitly create one. 

A question may arises that why do we need a unique constraint when we already have a unique index?
The reason are

1. ) The difference between a unique index and a unique  constraint starts with the fact that the constraint is a rule while the index is a database object that is used to provide improved performance in the retrieval of rows from a table. It is a physical object that takes space and is created with the DDL command  .

2.) we can use either a unique OR non-unique index to support a unique constraint. Constraints are metadata, more metadata is good. We can define a foreign key to a unique constraint, not so a unique index. 

3.) A constraint has different meaning to an index. It gives the optimiser more information and allows us to have foreign keys on the column  whereas a unique index doesn't. But most importantly because  it is the right way to do it.

Difference between Dataguard and Active Dataguard

I  found  people are bit confused between Dataguard and Active Data guard . They assume that Active dataguard is having different configuration or properties .  Here, i have tried to cover the Active dataguard .

Active Data Guard is a new option for Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition . Oracle Active Data Guard enables read-only access to a physical standby database . Active Data Guard is the possibility to query  our Physical Standby Database while it is constantly actualized to reflect the state of the Primary Database . It is additional to 11g Data Guard and comes with an extra charge .

Oracle Active Data Guard enhances the Quality of Service (QoS) for production databases by off-loading resource-intensive operations to one or more standby databases, which are synchronized copies of the production database. With Oracle Active Data Guard, a physical standby database can be used for real-time reporting, with minimal latency between reporting and production data. Compared with traditional replication methods, Active Data Guard is very simple to use, transparently supports all datatypes, and offers very high performance. Oracle Active Data Guard also allows backup operations to be off-loaded to the standby database, and be done very fast using intelligent incremental backups. Oracle Active Data Guard thus is a very effective way to insulate interactive users and critical business tasks on the production system from the impact of such long-running operations. Oracle Active Data Guard provides the additional benefit of high availability and disaster protection by quickly failing over to the standby database in the event of a planned or an unplanned outage at the production site.

The Active Data Guard  contains the following features :

  • Physical Standby with Real-time Query
  • Fast Incremental Backup on Physical Standby
  • Automatic Block Repair

If a physical standby database in a Data Guard configuration has any of the above features enabled, then the Active Data Guard option must be licensed for every such physical standby, and also for the primary database.

Conversion from Physical standby to Active Data Guard :
We can convert the physical standby  into active Data Guard standby . Below are the steps

1.) Stop Apply Services
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel ;

2.) Shut the database and open in mount stage
SQL> shut immediate
SQL> startup mount
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect ;
SQL> alter database open ;
It enables us to have a physical standby read only open, while redo apply is still done in the background .

How to Check if Active Data Guard is  Enabled  or Not 
Use the following query to confirm that Data Guard is in active mode:

SQL> select  'Using Active Data Guard' ADG   from v$managed_standby m,v$database d where m.process like 'MRP%'  ;
Using Active Data Guard

or from standby datbase

SQL> select open_mode,controlfile_type from v$database;
OPEN_MODE                              CONTROLFILE
--------------------                        ------------------

If the query does not return the above result, and instead returns : no rows selected, then Active Data Guard is not enabled.

Understanding Indexes Concept

Indexes plays and crucial role in the performance tunning of a database . It is very important to know how the index  work i.e, how indexes fetches the data's from a tables . There is a very good post by  rleishman on the working of indexes . Let's have a look . 

What is an Index ? 
An index is a schema object that contains an entry for each value that appears in the indexed column(s) of the table or cluster and provides direct, fast access to rows. It is just as the index in this manual helps us to locate information faster than if there were no index, an Oracle Database index provides a faster access path to table data . 

First we need to understand a block. A block - or page for Microsoft boffins - is the smallest unit of disk that Oracle will read or write. All data in Oracle - tables, indexes, clusters - is stored in blocks. The block size is configurable for any given database but is usually one of 4Kb, 8Kb, 16Kb, or 32Kb. Rows in a table are usually much smaller than this, so many rows will generally fit into a single block. So we never read "just one row"; we will always read the entire block and ignore the rows we don't need. Minimising this wastage is one of the fundamentals of Oracle Performance Tuning.

Oracle uses two different index architectures: b-Tree indexes and bitmap indexes. Cluster indexes, bitmap join indexes, function-based indexes, reverse key indexes and text indexes are all just variations on the two main types. b-Tree is the "normal" index .

The "-Tree" in b-Tree 
A b-Tree index is a data structure in the form of a tree - no surprises there - but it is a tree of database blocks, not rows. Imagine the leaf blocks of the index as the pages of a phone book .  Each page in the book (leaf block in the index) contains many entries, which consist of a name (indexed column value) and an address (ROWID) that tells us the physical location of the telephone (row in the table).
The names on each page are sorted, and the pages - when sorted correctly - contain a complete sorted list of every name and address

A sorted list in a phone book is fine for humans, beacuse we have mastered "the flick" - the ability to fan through the book looking for the page that will contain our target without reading the entire page. When we flick through the phone book, we are just reading the first name on each page, which is usually in a larger font in the page header. Oracle cannot read a single name (row) and ignore the reset of the page (block); it needs to read the entire block.

If we had no thumbs, we may find it convenient to create a separate ordered list containing the first name on each page of the phone book along with the page number. This is how the branch-blocks of an index work; a reduced list that contains the first row of each block plus the address of that block. In a large phone book, this reduced list containing one entry per page will still cover many pages, so the process is repeated, creating the next level up in the index, and so on until we are left with a single page: the root of the tree.

For example : 
To find the name Gallileo in this b-Tree phone book, we:
=> Read page 1. This tells us that page 6 starts with Fermat and that page 7 starts with Hawking.
=> Read page 6. This tells us that page 350 starts with Fyshe and that page 351 starts with Garibaldi.
=> Read page 350, which is a leaf block; we find Gallileo's address and phone number.
=> That's it; 3 blocks to find a specific row in a million row table. In reality, index blocks often fit 100 or more rows, so b-Trees are typically quite shallow. I have never seen an index with more than 5 levels. Curious? Try this:

SQL> select index_name,  blevel+1  from  user_indexes  order  by  2 ;
user_indexes.blevel is the number of branch levels. Always add 1 to include the leaf level; this tells us the number of blocks a unique index scan must read to reach the leaf-block. If we're really, really, insatiably curious; try this in SQL*Plus:

SQL> accept   index_name  prompt   "Index Name: " 
SQL> alter session set tracefile_identifier='&index_name' ; 
SQL> column object_id new_value object_id
SQL> select  object_id  from user_objects where object_type = 'INDEX'  and  object_name=upper('&index_name');
SQL> alter session set events 'Immediate trace name treedump level &object_id';
SQL> alter session set tracefile identifier="" ;
SQL> show parameter user_dump_dest 

Give the name of an index on a smallish table (because this will create a BIG file). Now, on the Oracle server, go to the directory shown by the final SHOW PARAMETER user_dump_dest command and find the trace file - the file name will contain the index name. Here is a sample:

---- begin tree dump
branch: 0x68066c8 109078216 (0: nrow: 325, level: 1)
   leaf: 0x68066c9 109078217 (-1: nrow: 694 rrow: 694)
   leaf: 0x68066ca 109078218 (0: nrow: 693 rrow: 693)
   leaf: 0x68066cb 109078219 (1: nrow: 693 rrow: 693)
   leaf: 0x68066cc 109078220 (2: nrow: 693 rrow: 693)
   leaf: 0x68066cd 109078221 (3: nrow: 693 rrow: 693)
   leaf: 0x68069cf 109078991 (320: nrow: 763 rrow: 763)
   leaf: 0x68069d0 109078992 (321: nrow: 761 rrow: 761)
   leaf: 0x68069d1 109078993 (322: nrow: 798 rrow: 798)
   leaf: 0x68069d2 109078994 (323: nrow: 807 rrow: 807)
----- end tree dump
This index has only a root branch with 323 leaf nodes. Each leaf node contains a variable number of index entries up to 807! A deeper index would be more interesting, but it would take a while to dump.

"B"  is  for...
Contrary to popular belief, b is not for binary; it's balanced.
As we insert new rows into the table, new rows are inserted into index leaf blocks. When a leaf block is full, another insert will cause the block to be split into two blocks, which means an entry for the new block must be added to the parent branch-block. If the branch-block is also full, it too is split. The process propagates back up the tree until the parent of split has space for one more entry, or the root is reached. A new root is created if the root node splits. Staggeringly, this process ensures that every branch will be the same length. 

How are Indexes used ?
Indexes have three main uses:

  • To quickly find specific rows by avoiding a Full Table Scan

We've already seen above how a Unique Scan works. Using the phone book metaphor, it's not hard to understand how a Range Scan works in much the same way to find all people named "Gallileo", or all of the names alphabetically between "Smith" and "Smythe". Range Scans can occur when we use >, <, LIKE, or BETWEEN in a WHERE clause. A range scan will find the first row in the range using the same technique as the Unique Scan, but will then keep reading the index up to the end of the range. It is OK if the range covers many blocks.
  • To avoid a table access altogether

If all we wanted to do when looking up Gallileo in the phone book was to find his address or phone number, the job would be done. However if we wanted to know his date of birth, we'd have to phone and ask. This takes time. If it was something that we needed all the time, like an email address, we could save time by adding it to the phone book.
Oracle does the same thing. If the information is in the index, then it doesn't bother to read the table. It is a reasonably common technique to add columns to an index, not because they will be used as part of the index scan, but because they save a table access. In fact, Oracle may even perform a Fast Full Scan of an index that it cannot use in a Range or Unique scan just to avoid a table access.
  • To avoid a sort

This one is not so well known, largely because it is so poorly documented (and in many cases, unpredicatably implemented by the Optimizer as well). Oracle performs a sort for many reasons: ORDER BY, GROUP BY, DISTINCT, Set operations (eg. UNION), Sort-Merge Joins, uncorrelated IN-subqueries, Analytic Functions). If a sort operation requires rows in the same order as the index, then Oracle may read the table rows via the index. A sort operation is not necessary since the rows are returned in sorted order.

Despite all of the instances listed above where a sort is performed, I have only seen three cases where a sort is actually avoided.

1. GROUP BY : 

SQL> select src_sys, sum(actl_expns_amt), count(*)  from ef_actl_expns
           where src_sys = 'CDW'   and actl_expns_amt > 0  
           group by src_sys ; 
| Id   |      Operation                                               |     Name             |
|   0  | SELECT STATEMENT                                     |                           |
|   1  |  SORT GROUP BY NOSORT  <-------           |                           |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN                                 | EF_AEXP_PK       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - filter("ACTL_EXPNS_AMT">0)
   3 - access("SRC_SYS"='CDW')
Note the NOSORT qualifier in Step 1.

2. ORDER BY : 

SQL> select *  from ef_actl_expns
          where src_sys = 'CDW' and actl_expns_amt > 0
          order by src_sys 
| Id   | Operation                                                     |     Name            |
|   0  | SELECT STATEMENT                                     |                           |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN                                   | EF_AEXP_PK      |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("ACTL_EXPNS_AMT">0)
   2 - access("SRC_SYS"='CDW')

Note that there is no SORT operation, despite the ORDER BY clause. Compare this to the following:

SQL>  select * from ef_actl_expns
            where src_sys = 'CDW'  and actl_expns_amt > 0
            order by actl_expns_amt ; 
| Id  | Operation                                                      |         Name          |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                       |                            |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY                                            |                            |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN                                   | EF_AEXP_PK       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - filter("ACTL_EXPNS_AMT">0)
   3 - access("SRC_SYS"='CDW')


SQL> select distinct src_sys  from ef_actl_expns
           where src_sys = 'CDW'  and actl_expns_amt > 0 ; 
| Id  |          Operation                                             |         Name          |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                       |                            |
|   1 |  SORT UNIQUE NOSORT                                 |                            |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN                                   | EF_AEXP_PK       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - filter("ACTL_EXPNS_AMT">0)
   3 - access("SRC_SYS"='CDW')

Again, note the NOSORT qualifier.

This is an extraordinary tuning technique in OLTP systems like SQL*Forms that return one page of detail at a time to the screen. A SQL with a DISTINCT, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY that uses an index to sort can return just the first page of matching rows without having to fetch the entire result set for a sort. This can be the difference between sub-second response time and several minutes or hours.

Full table Scans are not bad : 
Up to now, we've seen how indexes can be good. It's not always the case; sometimes indexes are no help at all, or worse: they make a query slower.

A b-Tree index will be no help at all in a reduced scan unless the WHERE clause compares indexed columns using >, <, LIKE, IN, or BETWEEN operators. A b-Tree index cannot be used to scan for any NOT style operators: eg. !=, NOT IN, NOT LIKE. There are lots of conditions, caveats, and complexities regarding joins, sub-queries, OR predicates, functions (inc. arithmetic and concatenation), and casting that are outside the scope of this article. Consult a good SQL tuning manual.

Much more interesting - and important - are the cases where an index makes a SQL slower. These are particularly common in batch systems that process large quantities of data.

To explain the problem, we need a new metaphor. Imagine a large deciduous tree in our front yard. It's Autumn, and it's our job to pick up all of the leaves on the lawn. Clearly, the fastest way to do this (without a rake, or a leaf-vac...) would be get down on hands and knees with a bag and work our way back and forth over the lawn, stuffing leaves in the bag as we go. This is a Full Table Scan, selecting rows in no particular order, except that they are nearest to hand. This metaphor works on a couple of levels: we would grab leaves in handfuls, not one by one. A Full Table Scan does the same thing: when a bock is read from disk, Oracle caches the next few blocks with the expectation that it will be asked for them very soon. Type this in SQL*Plus:

SQL> show parameter  db_file_multiblock_read_count 

Just to shake things up a bit (and to feed an undiagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder), we decide to pick up the leaves in order of size. In support of this endeavour, we take a digital photograph of the lawn, write an image analysis program to identify and measure every leaf, then load the results into a Virtual Reality headset that will highlight the smallest leaf left on the lawn. Ingenious, yes; but this is clearly going to take a lot longer than a full table scan because we cover much more distance walking from leaf to leaf.

So obviously Full Table Scan is the faster way to pick up every leaf. But just as obvious is that the index (virtual reality headset) is the faster way to pick up just the smallest leaf, or even the 100 smallest leaves. As the number rises, we approach a break-even point; a number beyond which it is faster to just full table scan. This number varies depending on the table, the index, the database settings, the hardware, and the load on the server; generally it is somewhere between 1% and 10% of the table.

The main reasons for this are :

  • As implied above, reading a table in indexed order means more movement for the disk head.
  • Oracle cannot read single rows. To read a row via an index, the entire block must be read with all but one row discarded. So an index scan of 100 rows would read 100 blocks, but a FTS might read 100 rows in a single block.
  • The db_file_multiblock_read_count setting described earlier means FTS requires fewer visits to the physical disk.
  • Even if none of these things was true, accessing the entire index and the entire table is still more IO than just accessing the table.

So what's the lesson here? Know our data! If our query needs 50% of the rows in the table to resolve our query, an index scan just won't help. Not only should we not bother creating or investigating the existence of an index, we should check to make sure Oracle is not already using an index. There are a number of ways to influence index usage; once again, consult a tuning manual. The exception to this rule - there's always one - is when all of the columns referenced in the SQL are contained in the index. If Oracle does not have to access the table then there is no break-even point; it is generally quicker to scan the index even for 100% of the rows.

Summary : 
Indexes are not a dark-art; they work in an entirely predictable and even intuitive way. Understanding how they work moves Performance Tuning from the realm of guesswork to that of science; so embrace the technology and read the manual.